Tuesday, September 30, 2014

"Just Move Those Beautiful Bodies of Yours"

Today we had a guest speaker, Anne Roberts and she was a really colorful person.  We had to do an activity were we could only let in 8 of 13 people outside of our bomb shelter.  It was really hard to decide with our group because we all had different views and opinions on who we should let in.  I wanted to let the body builder in for his strength were other group members wanted to let in the science teacher or the minister.

She gave a little personal speech toward the end of her activity that we need to expand peoples "file folder" on PE teachers and that if some one would have taken the time to really work with her as a kid that she wouldn't of had such a bad experience with gym and people.  That we all have the power to influence kids to be active and not to judge them just based off of their body size and skill sets.  

We also had two read along's in class and one was based in Virginia on Halloween I really liked it because it referenced different scary creatures from different towns in Virginia. The other book was about bringing different pets to the library and it was funny because none of them could happen but imagining them happening was fun and would of been a great book to read to kids.

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