Tuesday, October 28, 2014

October 28

Today Ryan and I did our read aloud to the class, it went a lot easier than I thought it would be. Since we have been in the elementary schools these past few weeks, pretending like I was talking to a bunch of k-5 came easy.

We went over different writing skills and different activities that can be done to work on writing skills and why writing is important, because we write to learn.

We went over a writing strategy called R.A.F.T.

R.A.F.T. stands for..

and we had to choose an example and write a RAFT here was mine:

R- Liver
A- Alcoholic/Drinker
F- Complaint
T- Effects of Drinking

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to inform you of your toxic effects on other people.  You may be the life of the party but you sure are taking the life out of a few of us.  There's only one of me and I can only process 1 drink an hour and you decided to throw back 8 in 20 minutes, You always ask me to work over time on the weekends and even work late on the week days.  I can only take so much before I shut down or go into failure.  AGAIN there is only ONE of me and you need me! I help filter your blood which is essential for you to live.  I know i'm not alone when I say that you really need to cut back on how much you drink when you go out with your friends.  With that being said I'm calling it quits, I refuse to let you keep hurting me because you're only hurting yourself.

-Your Liver

1 comment:

  1. I was so glad you came to Belview today. I hope you learned a lot.
